Barbara Novakovič

May 18 at 2.00 pm
Venue: Križanke (Viteška dvorana)
Duration: 60 minutes

Barbara Novakovič retains only the framework of events from Shakespeare’s original Winter’s Tale and then transforms the work into an airy and playful stroll through human relations. The stage set resembles a corridor behind the gossamer, a transitional space where kings, queens, their children, and others meet. The first, quite dark, part deals with royal pride, the resulting sadness and tragedy of it, and then relaxes into a cathartic ending of singing and dance.

Barbara Novakovič is a director, actor, producer, set designer, and curator. In 1993, she established the Muzeum Theatre which later was formalized as the Muzeum Institute, a production house for performances, visual projects, and publishing. Novakovič’s creativity is characterised by linking the theatre to other artistic fields: music, movements, visual arts…

Concept, direction, stage design: Barbara Novakovič
Performers: Branko Završan, Matija Stipanič, Milan Tomášik, Akira Hasegawa, Jose, Mateja Rebolj, Lane Stranič, Manca Krnel, Mojca Jug
Language editing: Jože Faganel
Costume design: Jelena Leskovar
Costume design assistant: Katja Rosa
Sound design: Sašo Kalan
Light design: Miran Šušteršič
Production: Muzeum, Ljubljana
Co-production: Festival Ljubljana




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